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Who We Are

Graystone Church exists to know God and make God known.  This is our mission.  Our desire is to see every man, woman, and child in our community and ultimately around the world have an opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ personally.

OuR Vision

We dream of thousands of people across Greater Atlanta coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We dream of individuals and families from all walks of life experiencing God's love, grace, and forgiveness.
We see believers growing in their personal walk with God and becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. We see them living an authentic Christian life by being a faithful steward in every area of their lives.
We envision a church built on "life on life" discipleship where true spiritual multiplication is taking place. We see an army of servant leaders consisting of spiritually mature men, women, and youth who are investing their lives in younger believers.
We see a Sunday morning service full of people of all ages who are truly entering into the presence of God and sincerely worshipping Him with all their hearts, minds, and souls.
We hear a relevant, creative, Biblical message taught through different mediums that helps individuals and families live lives glorifying to God.
We see individuals and families connecting with one another through small groups and experiencing life together as a team...a family.
We dream of our church being a light to those around us by meeting the needs of our community and transforming our culture.
We dream of being a "launching pad" to the world. We envision raising up leaders, families, and teams to be sent as missionaries to the ends of the earth.
We dream of planting hundreds of churches, starting many new ministries, and assisting laborers in the harvest all over the world.
We dream of growing big by staying small while disappearing into the backdrop, so God may have all the glory!

our core values

These core values are the F.L.A.G.S. we fly. This is who we are and how we behave. They are part of our culture and drive the decisions we make. These are non-negotiable and not up for debate. These core values are the flags flying on our church buildings, hanging out of the windows of the Graystone Bus, and pinned in our offices.


We are enjoying the fun, abundant life in Christ. The church should be FUN for everybody.
John 10:10b


A Heart for the LOST. We are passionate about the Great Commission. If God uses us to change one person’s life for all eternity, it is worth everything we do. We wholeheartedly leave the 99 on the hill to bring one LOST sheep home.
Luke 15:3-7


We are real and AUTHENTIC. We are striving to be more like Jesus, so we are the same on Friday night as we are on Sunday morning.
2 Corinthians 12:9


God has richly blessed us, and we want to be a blessing to others. We live GENEROUS lives and we want to be good stewards of every area of our lives: our time, talents and treasures.
2 Corinthians 9:6

biblically SOLID

We believe the Bible to be the infallible, inspired word of God. It is the SOLID foundation on which the church is built.
Matthew 7:24-25
Who We Are - Worship


For Worship

We expect every member to attend our Sunday services on a regular basis. Every member is encouraged to tirelessly invite those who are far from God to one of our worship experiences.  We hope that you will seek out and develop relationships with people who need a relationship with Jesus Christ. Graystone Church will partner with you by creating engaging worship experiences where the gospel message is preached in a relevant & creative way.

Who We Are - Grow


Through Groups

We believe that spiritual growth happens best in a small group setting. That’s why Graystone is a church of small groups.  Small groups are the place where we grow in our relationship with God and connect with other Christians.  They are also the place where life on life discipleship takes place. Our small groups are structured on a semester-based system (fall and spring).

Who We Are - Give


Time, Talents, and Treasures

At Graystone, we believe in and practice whole-life stewardship: that everything we have is God's and that we are to use what God has given us to be a blessing to others. We encourage every member of Graystone to serve God and others by investing their time and using their God-given gifts and abilities (talents). We believe in servant leadership and our model for leadership is Jesus Christ: those who want to be leaders are servants. We also ask those who call Graystone their church home to invest at least 10% of their income (tithe) into God's work at Graystone.

Who We Are - Go


And Make Disciples

Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."  This is the Great Commission and we believe that it is the responsibility of the Church to go into all the world and make disciples.  We desire to be a church that is outwardly focused and passionate about "dominating our community with the love of Jesus Christ!"  Therefore, we expect all of our members to be actively involved in making disciples in our community and around the world.

The Experience

We’re not perfect and we don’t expect you to be.

Who We Are
Graystone is a church dedicated to providing you with an exciting worship service where you will learn how the Bible and God apply directly to your life and the circumstances you are dealing with today. Come as you are, and dress however you want; from shirt and tie to sandals and shorts, everyone is welcome here.
We have five identical Sunday worship services across three locations and online. We invite you to join us at Graystone Church where you will find:
- a casual atmosphere
- friendly people who'll help you find your way around
- authentic worship in today's music
- a fun and safe environment for the kids
- a lobby with free coffee
- that you matter to God - and to Graystone Church

Our Story

Who We Are - Our Story
August 2003
Graystone Church began as a Bible study in the home of Jonathan and Jennifer Howes.
October 2003
Graystone’s core group began meeting for worship on Sunday mornings at Discovery Point Daycare.
October 2004
Graystone Church publicly launched in a renovated warehouse space on Grayson Industrial Parkway.
June 2005
Graystone hosted its First Annual Sports Camp.
July 2005
Graystone sent its first short term mission team to serve with Orphanage Outreach in Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic.
May 2006
Graystone purchased 11 acres of land located at 1551 Ozora Road.
Who We Are - Our Story
October 2007
Graystone committed through the “Imagine the Possibilities” Building Campaign to build a 2.5 million dollar 24,000 sq. ft. multi-purpose facility.
September 2008
Graystone acquired 7 acres of land adjacent to the 11 acres of land on Ozora Road, expanding Graystone’s Master Plan to 18 total acres.
December 2009
Graystone moved into its first permanent church building - a 24,000 square foot multi-purpose facility located on 18 acres at 1551 Ozora Road in Loganville.
January 2010
Graystone held its Grand Opening Service in the new building with over 1,500 in attendance.
November 2011
Through Project Kids Space we expanded and upgraded our children's area at the Loganville Campus, Graystone Kids Town.
Who We Are - Our Story
March 2013
Graystone launched its first expansion campus at Loganville High School, Graystone Monroe.
June 2014
Graystone purchased land and buildings for permanent location for Graystone Monroe at 723 N Broad Street in Monroe.
August 2015
Graystone Monroe held its Grand Opening in the new building with over 450 in attendance.
June 2016
We merged with Connecting Point Church in Bogart, Georgia acquiring a 14,000 sq. ft. building and 10 acres of land for our second expansion campus, Graystone Oconee.
January 2017
We had the Grand Opening for our Graystone Oconee Campus.
March 2020
We launched our Online Campus.

Our Beliefs