Jamie Barwick

Executive Pastor/ Online Campus Pastor

My story is one that started fairly simply with unexpected plot twists along the way. First and foremost, God made me aware of my sin and the need for a savior when I was in the third grade. I attended an awesome local children’s ministry at what was Corinth Baptist Church near Stone Mountain. It was there that I became a Christian and accepted Jesus as Lord of my life. To that end, I am forever grateful to Mr. Doug and all who participated in the Corinth Children’s ministry. It was through their faithfulness that I was introduced to Jesus.  As I grew older, I was in and out of church until I was invited to Parkview Community Church of the Nazarene as a student. This is where God would introduce me to key mentors, as well as my wife, who would all play a key role in helping me grow in my walk with Christ.  Like many, I finished school, took an available job and began to work my way up the corporate ladder. For reasons that I did not understand at the time, God began to change my heart as it related to success in the corporate environment. In 2019, our church participated in the Experiencing God study by Henry Blackaby, and the Holy Spirit began talking to me in new and powerful ways. Through this study, the Holy Spirit  asked me to pray a bold prayer. Rather than seeking God’s will for my life, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray the following, “God, help me to see where you are at work, and give me the courage to join you in that work.” This simple prayer radically changed my life and led me into fulltime ministry at Graystone Church. I am so thankful to my Lord and Savior for the unbelievable opportunity to serve Him and His people in this manner each and every day.