Meghan Garmon

Loganville Campus Worship Leader

 Born in Colorado and growing up in middle of nowhere, Scottsbluff, NE, I’m a proud steak-fed, small-town Midwesterner at heart now posing as a city girl in Atlanta, GA. I grew up with incredible parents that taught me how to have a hard work ethic, to love Jesus, and to always go after your dreams. My dad is a piano technician and incredible jazz piano player, so music was always flowing through our house. From a young age I was interested in writing songs, playing piano, and singing into my hair brush. I was your typical “theater kid” and did everything musical I could get my hands on. I was fortunate enough to have a female worship leader in my church who gave me voice lessons from a young age and threw opportunities in church at me. Since 8th grade I knew I wanted to be a worship leader because of what she poured into me, and for that I’m forever grateful.

A proud Liberty University alum, I majored in Music and Songwriting. For 2 1/2 years I served on what was known then as Campus Band, where I got to lead worship 4 times a week for our student body in the largest gathering of college students in the world. Through my summer internship I met my now husband, Rowan, and got married 10 months later in Virginia. Together we’ve released music under "Call Me Coastal" and "Rowan and Meghan Garmon", planted a church in Indianapolis, IN, and are now flipping a house in Smyrna, GA. We have a sweet toddler, Riley, and another little boy on the way!

Since moving to Atlanta in 2015, I’ve contracted and traveled for music, but decided in 2020 to put down deeper roots at Graystone Church as the Worship Pastor at the Ozora Campus. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for me at this amazing church!

Fun Facts:
- The best show ever created is The Office and I will watch that show over and over until I die.
- Coffee is a must in the morning (caramel lattes for life) and crepes will always be my favorite indulgence.
- I love kickboxing and sitting in a hammock as much as I can.
- I still own my 2003 Toyota Corolla from high school with almost 300,000 miles and plan to drive him into the ground - his name is Dwight and he’s a faithful steed.